Sport and Coaching: Pasts and Futures
Manchester Metropolitan University
Institute of Performance Research
Crewe, Cheshire, UK
Two Day Conference
June 25th/26th 2011
Call for Papers
This conference is broadly based within three connected strands, Coaching, Sports Development and Sports History, and the organisers would be happy to receive submissions from scholars and researchers in any of these disciplines although strand convenors are keen to encourage papers that transcend artificial boundaries, in particular those that take a critical approach to sport and coaching practices. Given the variety of contributions anticipated, not only from academics and practitioners in these strands but also from those with an interest in the sociology, politics, and philosophy of sport, it is expected that the conference will include themed multidisciplinary sessions, under topics such as the Olympics, alongside presentation sessions focused within strands.  Suggestions for suitable themed symposia or roundtable discussions should be communicated to the organiser along with abstracts. Post conference outcomes will include a publication and podcasts. Postgraduate students are invited to submit poster abstracts.
Abstracts of 150-200 words should be forwarded by email attachment as a Word document to Dave Day at
By Friday 3rd December 2010.
Any queries, observations or comments should be directed to this email address.