Call for Papers | On Surf (Lisbon, Portugal | July 20 – 22, 2023)

Friends and colleagues,

Please find the attached call for papers for the On Surf conference being held in Lisbon, Portugal July 20-22nd, 2023. The conference is free to attend and is housed at the Portuguese National Olympic Committee offices. 

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

1. Body and nature

2. Sport, economy, and tourism

3. Surf and technology

4. Surf and the arts

5. Surfing and diversity

6. Sport, health, and care

7. Surf, violence, and risk

8. Surf, sustainability, and ecology

9. Surf and digital nomads

10. Sea, waves, and science

11. Surf history, tradition, and heritage

12. Surf and mindfulness

Abstracts can be submitted in English or Portuguese by March 30, 2023. More information can be found in the attached CFP. All abstracts and any conference questions should be directed to



Adam G. Pfleegor, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Management |Siena College
Sport Management Program Coordinator
President, Applied Sport Management Association