Call for Papers: VI Edition of Sports and Global Governance; III Conference of Latin Association of Philosophy of Sport

The UPF’s Department of Philosophy of Law, the Spanish Association for the Philosophy of Sport and the Latin Association for the Philosophy of Sport invites the submission of abstracts to be considered for the Joint Congress: VI Sport and Global Governance and III Congress of Latin Association of Philosophy of Sport.

The Congress will be held in May, 7th and 8th in Barcelona, sponsored by the Philosphy of Law Department of the University Pompeu Fabra. We invite all interested, academics, professionals or independent researchers, to send an abstract of an original work related to any topic of sport from a philosophical, legal or interdisciplinary perspective.

Abstracts submitted for evaluation and final inclusion in the programme must not exceed 500 words and contain: title of the work, name and full affiliation of the author as well as his e-mail address and five key words. Abstracts should be sent to the following e-mail address: The deadline for receipt of abstracts is 1 April 2020. All authors will be notified of
the acceptance of their papers as soon as possible. All attendees must register to have their work included in the program and to
be able to participate in the rest of the conferences and activities


The registration fee is:

  • Doctors, teachers and professionals, NOT linked to the UPF = 70 €.
  • Doctors, professors and professionals, NOT linked to the UPF, if they present communication = 50 €.
  • ALFID’s affiliated: 40 €
  • Students and unemployed, NOT linked to the UPF, and COPLEFC members= 30 €.

VI edition of Sports and Global Governance Conference

III Congress of Latin Association of Philosophy of Sport

  • Students and unemployed, NOT linked to the UPF, and COPLEFC members who present a communication = 20 €.
  • Linked to the UPF that do not present communication = Free.

The payment of fees includes 2 coffee breaks, a lunch and refreshments. In case of canceling the registration and for organizational reasons, it is not possible to return this amount. The payment of the registration will be by credit card.

A certificate of attendance will be issued to this who attend at least 80% of the sessions.

Key dates

  • Deadline for submission of papers: 1 April 2020.
  • Review and selection period: 1-15 April 2020.
  • Communication in the to the selected communicators: 16 April 2020.
  • Registration: until May 1, 2020.
  • Congress days: 7 and 8 May 2020.

Submission to:

Organizing Comittee
Jose Luis Pérez Triviño Alberto Carrio