CfP: The Center for Sociocultural Sport and Olympic Research 1st Annual Conference

The Center for Sociocultural Sport and Olympic Research

1st Annual Conference

California State University, Fullerton (USA)
March 9-10, 2018

CSSOR Distinguished Scholar Lecture
Prof. Andrew Zimbalist, Smith College

Call for Papers

The CSSOR Program Committee invites high quality academic work on sport and the Olympic Games, in all of its forms, from scholars in the fields of history, philosophy, communication, ancient and modern languages, literature, visual and performing arts, anthropology, sociology, cultural studies, economics, marketing, and law. Scholars are encouraged to submit proposals in two categories:

  1. Proposals for individual papers: (20-minute presentation time) which the program committee will then group into appropriate sessions.
  2. Proposals for complete thematic sessions: 95 minutes – typically composed of 3 presenters at 20 minutes each, a 20-minute commentary, and 15-minute discussion. Sessions containing four thematically connected papers may also be submitted. Proposals for complete sessions are strongly encouraged.

The deadline for submission for all types of presentations is Friday, December 15, 2017. PLEASE SUBMIT ALL PROPOSALS TO:

Letters of acceptance or rejection will be sent in late-December. The Program Committee will evaluate all submissions according to their individual merit, contribution to the field, and fit within the total program. Proposals that do not provide all the information requested will be returned to the author(s). Please email Matt Llewellyn ( with any questions.

Important: Implicit Agreement to Attend Conference. Submission of an abstract indicates the author’s and co-authors’ intent to register for the conference at the appropriate conference fee and to be available to present on any of the days of the conference.

Registration for the Conference:

By Feb 1st        By March 9th

Full                   $95.00             $ 125.00

Student            $65.00             $ 95.00

CSSOR Call for Papers